AT&T Wireless Review

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AT&T Mobile offers one of the most reliable wireless networks in the United States. This telecom giant works with major media partners like DirecTV to give you discounted access to thousands of shows and unlimited data to stream them to your device.

You can get talk, text and wireless service on your device, all at a reasonable price point. AT&T offers a range of communications services, including wireless service. Its mobile plans are some of the most flexible on the market, though not always the lowest price. Of course, with their second-place score, they also don’t hit the top of the market in pricing. Instead, AT&T offers a comprehensive service at a middle-market price.

How Does AT&T Work?

To get started, you will need to either own or buy a compatible device. Not all phones work with all providers. If you intend to switch to AT&T service using your existing phone, be sure to ask about any issues that might prevent you from porting your device. If you need to buy a new device, be prepared for a credit check and a monthly fee for the device. AT&T plans do not offer subsidized phones.

What Makes AT&T Stand Out?

When second place comes with a substantial discount, it’s not a bad deal. With AT&T, you get the second most reliable network and one of the best data networks, all at a reasonable price tag. Plus, with AT&T, it’s all about the customer’s choice. You can sign up for unlimited data or save a few dollars and choose a shared data plan. You can also include a ton of extras. It’s all up to you.

The flexibility to put together the plan that’s right for you, combined with access to some of the newest and best phones on the market, makes AT&T a solid wireless choice for anyone looking for good service without a premium price tag. Plus, AT&T is often ideal for travelers, since it offers very reasonable rates on international usage.

Common Reviews of AT&T

Wireless service is expensive, and billing issues are fairly commonplace, regardless of the carrier. This universally poor experience with billing means that no wireless provider has great online reviews. Some of the most common complaints include early termination fees, unidentified charges, billing errors, etc. The average rating for AT&T is about one and a half stars, but don’t let that turn you off.

None of the top wireless providers make it to an average of two-stars, so remember that people are more likely to complain when something is wrong than post a positive review when everything goes right.

Can I Get Deals on AT&T Mobile’s Site?

If you’re thinking about switching to AT&T, you should always check out the website first. They sometimes offer deals on devices that you won’t find in stores. You might also see more information about plans that don’t get much mention at retail locations.

The website contains information about every plan available, not just the ones most marketed at the moment. You can take a look at all of the information before you make a decision, even if you choose to finalize the sale at a store. After all, you might need a phone today, not next week, but knowing what’s available can help you get the best deal on your plan and device.

About the Author

Jeff Hindenach

Jeff Hindenach is the co-founder of Versus Reviews. He graduated from Bowling Green State University with a Bachelor's Degree in Journalism. He has a long history of journalism, with a background writing for newspapers such as the San Jose Mercury News and San Francisco Examiner, as well as writing for The Huffington Post, New York Times, Business Insider, CNBC, Newsday and The Street. He believes in giving readers the tools they need to get out of debt.