Campaigner Review

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Email use between consumers and businesses is a rapidly growing form of communication around the globe. Predictions put the use of email increasing by as much as 12 percent in the coming year. If your business isn’t making use of email marketing yet, you may want to consider getting on that.

Campaigner is a good place to start. It gives you the tools you’ll need to get your email marketing campaign up and running. Campaigner’s platform is easy enough for a total novice to start sending emails from day one. The emails produced through its templates are professional quality while maintaining a personalized flare.

If you need help, the customer service available with Campaigner is top-notch and available 24/7. The 30-day free trial period is also an attractive feature, especially for small businesses or nonprofits.

How Does Campaigner Work?

Campaigner is a good fit for those just beginning in email marketing as well as those who consider themselves old hands at it. You can begin with the 500 preformed email templates provided. Fill in the blanks, add in your content and merge with your contact lists.

You have the option to include signup forms if you’re interested in growing your list. You’ll also get reports that allow you to gauge the results of your email campaign. Your reports will show how many emails you’ve sent, the number received, the actual number opened and in how many of the emails recipients click through.

There is also a feature that allows you to segment your growing list of clients. This allows you to precisely target your marketing to specific group.

What Makes Campaigner Stand Out?

Campaigner has clocked particular success in certain markets. These include mortgage and real estate businesses, insurance, travel and health care. It has also proven to be a successful email management system for internet retailers and small businesses.

Campaigner’s email analytic functions are basically standard for the industry. The reports generated give you a quick way to see which emails are bringing in the best conversion rates. From this, you can focus on trends that are working better than others.

Reports are exportable and printable directly from the Campaigner interface. Campaigner also allows you to save all your reports, a useful feature that many competitors don’t offer. By saving your reports, you can compare campaigns to determine which rated the most successful in conversion rates.

Common Reviews of Campaigner

The most commonly noted positive about Campaigner is its customer service. The solid functioning of the program and the abundance of online help makes the need for customer support services a rare occurrence, however.

The large selection of free templates is also frequently cited as a major plus in Campaigner’s favor. Each of the many templates can be easily customized to fit your website and specific email campaigns. They even offer special holiday templates during the appropriate time of year.

Campaigner allows users to create and send automated emails using its autoresponder feature. This is another often cited positive point for Campaigner. Automated emails can include welcome emails, emails for birthday greeting and follow-up emails. You can create custom HTML templates if you desire.

There is mention of Campaigner’s attention to details such as anti-spam laws in many reviews. It is important that the emails you send out protect the reputation of your business. Campaigner monitors your email campaigns and notifies you of any pending issues.

Is Campaigner for Me?

The affordable pricing, coupled with the free trial period, make Campaigner’s email marketing service a solid choice for any type of website or blog. If your business or nonprofit wants to distribute a newsletter to customers, Campaign is an easy program for a person of any skill level to master.

With the ability to save reports for later analysis and comparison to each other, Campaigner can help you learn from your mistakes and campaigns that brought in less than stellar results. With Campaigner, you can improve on your strengths to bolster your marketing strategies to even higher levels in the years to come.

About the Author

Jeff Hindenach

Jeff Hindenach is the co-founder of Versus Reviews. He graduated from Bowling Green State University with a Bachelor's Degree in Journalism. He has a long history of journalism, with a background writing for newspapers such as the San Jose Mercury News and San Francisco Examiner, as well as writing for The Huffington Post, New York Times, Business Insider, CNBC, Newsday and The Street. He believes in giving readers the tools they need to get out of debt.