
Hands-Free Banking With Smart Home Devices

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Today’s continuously advancing technology makes it easier than ever to perform a bunch of simple tasks throughout the day. Smart home automation hubs in particular, such as Amazon Echo or Google Home, enable you to perform a wide range of hands-free tasks with ease.

This includes everything from turning on and off lights in your home and playing your favorite music to ordering groceries and home goods, and even managing your banking and bill payments. The digital assistants currently on the market feature several capabilities for allowing you to perform hands-free banking

While not all banks currently enable transactions to be performed through voice-command connections relayed through smart devices, many are readily taking advantage of the available technology to provide more options for improved customer service.

Convenient Banking With Smart Devices

A number of smart devices can now be paired with mobile banking apps to perform common banking transactions. Some typical transactions might include asking the smart device to check for recent transactions on a checking account, asking when various bill payments are due, paying specific bills and asking for credit card balances.

Being able to quickly access this information and perform transactions saves time and improves the convenience with which you can perform many common transactions. Banks such as Capital One, Wells Fargo and Citigroup already offer or are starting to offer these capabilities, with more banks to follow suit in the near future. Other smart devices that can be paired with some mobile banking apps include Smart Things and Wink.

Smart Device Banking Concerns

Of course, while technology brings convenience, it also opens the door for security and privacy concerns. There is the potential for personal data to be accessed when on a shared network, despite both the smart devices and banking apps continuously striving to develop a more secure environment. Encrypted information, personal keycodes and passphrases, and other layers of security help to keep personal information safe from hackers.

Some smart devices contain more security functions than others, and so you may want to consider only using specific devices with increased security to perform your hands-free banking. It is also wise to use mobile banking apps that also feature several layers of security.

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About the Author

Mary Beth Eastman

Mary Beth Eastman serves as the content manager for Versus Reviews, where she is dedicated to helping readers compare popular products. Mary Beth has a degree in Journalism from Bowling Green State University and has focused her 20-year journalism career on putting readers front and center, carefully considering their concerns and presenting information that will help them in their everyday lives. She has won numerous statewide journalism awards. Her writing has been featured on numerous websites in addition to Versus Reviews, including the Huffington Post and the Lexington Law blog. Mary Beth resides in Pittsburgh, Pa., with her family and two rescue dogs.

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